
Eating Smart Over the Festive Season

It is that time of the year, the time we have all been waiting for, the chance to wind down and celebrate the festive season with family and...

Heart Disease – Know Your Risk

September is heart awareness month. For many years in South Africa, this month has been used to raise awareness about heart disease and highlighting...

Spicy Tea Treat

A light and airy cake texture is usually results from tiny air bubbles becoming trapped around the rough edges of the sugar crystals, which expand...

Lemonade Syrup

Looking for an additive free, preservative free, pain free and refreshing chilled natural syrup to add to crushed ice or sparkling water for those...

Zesty Lemon Sorbet

Make a sorbet at the drop of a hat as long as you have sugar in the house, light and refreshing and packed full of Vitamin C.

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